DLPCA-200低噪音电流放大器 可通过RS232接口远程控制,工作方式有高速模式和低噪声模式,增益从1*103-1*1011可调,带宽较高为500KHZ Transimpedance Gain from 103 to 1011 V/A Input Noise down to 4.3 fA/√Hz Bandwidth up to 500 kHz Rise Time down to 700 ns Adjustable Bias Voltage Manual and Remote Control 9级可变增益:10三次方~10的十一次方V/A,**低噪声可达4fA/(Hz)1/2,带宽DC-500khz,可调偏置和Bios,可变交流直流耦合,10Hz低通滤波方便直流测量,数字电脑界面或者远程控制,适用于光电二极管,扫描隧道显微镜、粒子探测器、锁相放大的前级放大、AD转换 The Ultimate Low Noise Current Amplifier Packed with features the DLPCA-200 variable gain transimpedance amplifier is designed for a wide range of applications that require the conversion of small currents into usable voltages. It is ideally suited, for example, for time resolved current and charge measurements down to the μs region and as preamplifier for photodiodes or lock-in systems. The DLPCA-200 offers variable transimpedance gain from 103 to 1011 V/A allowing the sensitive measurement of currents in the sub-pico to milli amp range. Its switchable AC/DC coupling, 10 Hz low pass filter and adjustable offset control can be used to adapt the amplifier to varying measurement tasks and ** conditions. An adjustable bias voltage connected to the shield of the input socket is provided to optimize the speed and noise performance of external photodiodes connected to the amplifier input. All functions can be set either manually by switches or through the opto-isolated interface by remote control. All this in a rugged and compact EMI shielded case designed with the user in mind and built to guarantee trouble-free operation even in very rough and noisy environments. Bandwidth and Frequency Response Independent of Source Capacitance Unlike other amplifiers available the DLPCA-200 requires no particular adaptation such as frequency compensation for different sources. The gain stays constant and the frequency response is nicely flat even for high source capacitances up to 1 nF. Common issues such as gain peaking or even oscillations are avoided by the careful amplifier design and thorough testing of the units prior to shipment. In addition the DLPCA-200 provides high speed even for large gain settings. At the highest gain setting of 1011 V/A it provides a 3 dB bandwidth of 1.1 kHz and a 300 μs rise time. For low frequency applications not requiring the full bandwidth the unit has a switchable 10 Hz low pass filter to eliminate wideband noise and thus allowing accurate and ultra low noise DC current measurements down to femto amps. Applications Photodiode and Photomultiplier Amplifier Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) Spectroscopy Beam Monitoring for Particle Accelerators / Synchrotrons Ionization Detectors Preamplifier for Lock-Ins, A/D-Converters etc.